Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First Try for Blog, 7th Try for Baby

I’ve been reading all these lesbian TTC blogs and I feel like I’m invested in everyone’s stories. I write the occassional encouraging or congrats comment. Sometimes I’m encouraged–it seems like most people are getting pregnant. Sometimes I’m discouraged, so many people are struggling with the exact same things. Sometimes I feel like it will never happen for me. And then sometimes I stop reading the blogs of those who get pregnant because the stories about their symptoms and their tickers make me sad, even when I am happy for them. I’ve been pregnant once. We miscarried on the day before my 8 week ultrasound in June. The embyro was at 5.5 weeks. We’ve tried twice since then. Both times I was sure I was pregnant. MFing Clomid and its MindFing ways. This can’t be a blog about cheerfulness and optimism. The truth is that for me TTC has not been a happy time. Its been stressful, obsessive, and with loss. And, we are going broke from trying.

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