Monday, March 24, 2008

March Gladness with a touch of Sadness

My lovely partner took a new job today. It pays significantly more then her current job, with much better benefits. The downside is that she won't have accrued very much time off for when the Beeb (tm LP's Dad) is born. We weighed the pros and cons and it just seemed like the best thing to do in the long run. She will have time off when she adopts, if she waits until next April (when she will have been at the job a year)

I'm so grateful we are living in a state with second parent adoptions. However, it is so frusterating because my home state, where 80% of the people I love the most live, does not. I think I have missed about 10 family events this March. They send me phone pictures and tell me all the food they are eating. It makes me so sad to be here when I know how much I am missing. I know it will be even harder to be away from them when the baby gets here.

Sometimes people like to say homophobia is soooo over. Because queer folks aren't all poor, or because Ellen is really popular. It is amazing how salient homophobic laws feel to me now.

However, I have so much to be grateful for: LP's new job, the fact that we will be able to get a second parent adoption, that I am in the second trimester.

That Spring Will Be Here Soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Something I don't think is true

I've heard people say that if you struggle to get pregnant and then you do get pregnant, you "forget" about the stress and the trials you have gone through trying to conceive. I personally think this is a bunch of bull.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Kickboxer?

On Tuesday was the 11 week ultrasound/screening. We saw a kicking punching moving heartbeating little one. I don't have the results of the blood test yet, but the ultrasound was pronounced "normal" Which is such a different, happier word to me then it used to be.

We got a picture of the arm waving around with the caption "Hi Moms!!!"

I'm 12 weeks today.

I didn't think this would ever happen to me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

On Tuesday I have my 11 week ultrasound. I don't know what to expect. I feel only mildly sick and sorta tired...not the crazysickness you see a lot of pregnant women write about. My abdomen is tight--what a weird feeling. But I haven't really gained weight.

It is still all very hard to believe.