Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On the Double

After a stressful stare-at-the-clock couple of days, I finally have my betas:

19 DPO: 620
21 DPO: 1402
Doubling Time 1.71

Progesterone was 20 on 19 DPO and "Very strong, above 20" at 21 DPO. I was so focused on the beta I forgot to ask the nurse on the actual progesterone number.

These numbers seem okay. I read a lot of blogs with real rock star awesome numbers, and these numbers seem more......sedate or something. But it is in the range. I am relieved.

Just for comparison, the time I miscarried it was 20 at 13 DPO. So if it had doubled that time, I would've been at 160 on 19 DPO. So 620 seems a lot better in comparison.

The staff at the fertility center said the numbers were good. They tried to sell me some more medical services--routine blood test and u/s. But for now, we are going to enjoy it and wait for the insuranced-covered u/s, which will be at 7 weeks.

It is nice not to have any appointments for a while!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great news!
And I think Huckleberry is a really cool name - you should work on her!